Monday, April 23, 2012


So this weekend was a bit of a rough one for us. We spent most of the weekend at home after a crazy week except to do a few errands. Also, we knew her vision is going so we wanted to see how she did around the house. It wasn't good. Her vision is going pretty quickly now and she is bumping into a lot of things. She is taking careful steps while she adjusts and finding where everything is again. While in the house she is pretty okay, outside is going to be a bit more challenging for us. If we walk too far from the house, she gets a panicky look in her eyes as if she forgot the way home and needs help. We are always there to save her, but it is heartbreaking nonetheless. And this also proves to be a challenge because we typically walk all the way to the other side of our condo complex when we walk with her, about 20 minutes twice a day. We read a lot this weekend on how to make this adjustment period better for all of us. Some of the good tips I read was to keep her from being depressed and trying not to be sad about it. I read several things that said dogs can get a bit depressed by their lack of vision and to try to keep her cheery. Also, not to baby her and let her discover and find out where everything is so she can find it on her own. Something we are going to try is to sew bells on a few of her favorite toys so she can hear them when we play with her. She wanted to play and I tossed her toy just a few feet and she couldn't find him, walked off and got sad. Does anyone have any tips for combating the sadness? Or tips for making the blindness easier?


  1. Hmmmmm poor baby! Well we don't have any tips other than keep up the positive attitude. At first it's always rough, but they adjust. Keep the schedule the same so that way the routine will be easier for adjusting to the blindness. There might be some good books out there that might help. ~Weinerful Gang~

  2. Thanks Weinerful gang! It will be an adjustment for sure but we will get through it!
