Friday, June 15, 2012

K9 Kamp Awards

We want to thank Koly and Kelly and their moms for putting on such an awesome Kamp this year!! It was Tina of fun and we learned a lot about how to play with Kita since her eyesight went away. It might sound cheesy but Kamp came at a perfect time for us. It was right after Kita lost her eyesight and we were in the middle of a stumped hunt for games to play with her and things to do with her. But it helped us realize more than ever that she can do anything a 'normal' dog can do, she just has to do it a little differently.

We are very proud to have won an award at Kamp as well! We won't the award for most handicapable kamper ad couldn't be prouder to wear that title!!

Thanks again kolchack, kelly, and their moms!!

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