Saturday, March 17, 2012

2nd Glucose Curve

We went in for our 2nd curve on her this week hoping it would be our last. Not that she minds it so much, they say she is pretty relaxed and they give her a blanket, water, and a high kennel to keep an eye on everybody and she is good to go. But I suppose I feel like every time we have to come back I feel like I have failed somehow. That I was unable to get her glucose levels down enough. While we did drop significantly this time, we do have to go back one more time. She was about 200 points lower than when we started (she was at 650 last time and 450 this morning) and stayed there pretty much all day long. There was only one point when she went down to 350 but stayed at 450 all day long. Which is good that she is so stable and her glucose levels aren't spiking up and down all day, but we want to get her about another 200 points down.

We will get there, baby girl.

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